Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Religion- throughout the novel religion is a main focus to the Umofia tribe. They believe in the oracle which guides their beliefs and helps them make many decisions. In addition, they have a strong emphasis on the belief of many gods that help them in different ways. Yet as the novel progresses their religion and beliefs are challenge by the "white" people who are missionaries looking to convert the people of Umofia and neighboring villages to Christianity. As the novel unravels and comes to an end there are constant challenges to their beliefs and ideas in relation to god and religion.

Philosophy- In the novel Things Fall Apart the philosophies believed for many years by the villagers is constantly challenged as missionaries arrive. A constant debate arises between the villagers of whether to keep the old or take in the new. Their beliefs in the oracle and the evil forest become doubtful as the missionaries are able to succeed living in the "Evil Forest." Thus a theme of whether it is better to keep the old or bring in the new arises.



Types of Art:

Due to the diversity of the Igbo people, there is no specific art style. But most Igbo carve and use masks, but the function of these masks is different at each village. They also place an emphasis on architecture, landscapes and story telling.

Igbo Masks:

The Igbo are a large and diverse population, they have absorbed many influences from surrounding cultures, and as a result, their artwork is very diverse. 

Igbo culture embraces the idea of a wide variety of gods, rather than being exclusive to one or several god. In the artwork surrounding their worship, there is a great emphasis on process rather than product, because the emphasis put on motion. This love of motion is evident in their masquerades in which the audience follows and often dances and shadows the dancers movements.

This is seen in the celebrations they have throughout the novel, for example in chapter 22. There is a celebration in honor of the earth deity. Here, Enoche unmasks a egwugwu and by tradition this eliminates the spirit. This is because in traditional Igbo religion the human underneath the mask is not present, the mask is transformed into the spirit. 

Art of storytelling:

Achebe uses the art of traditional storytelling. He references legends of the tribe this helps to illustrate what believe and respect. 

For example:
-Childhood expiences

Setting Brace Map

Chinua Achebe

Born on November 16, 1930

Raised in Igbo village

Had 5 siblings

Name unabbreviated is Chinualumogu, means “may god fight on my behalf”- was a prayer for
divine protection and stability

Nigerian novelist, poet, and critic

Raised by Christian parents

Life style relies on Igbo oral tradition

Published Things Fall Apart in 1959

Devoted supporter of Biafran Independence – served as ambassador for people of the new nation

Novels focus on traditions
- Igbo society
- Effect of Christian influences
- Clash of values during and after colonial era

Book is a milestone in African literature

Sold more than 8 million copies

Followed with a sequel No Longer at Ease

Published with Nigeria was under Colonial rule

Book based on family history

Grandfather was an important part of Igbo culture
