Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Chinua Achebe

Born on November 16, 1930

Raised in Igbo village

Had 5 siblings

Name unabbreviated is Chinualumogu, means “may god fight on my behalf”- was a prayer for
divine protection and stability

Nigerian novelist, poet, and critic

Raised by Christian parents

Life style relies on Igbo oral tradition

Published Things Fall Apart in 1959

Devoted supporter of Biafran Independence – served as ambassador for people of the new nation

Novels focus on traditions
- Igbo society
- Effect of Christian influences
- Clash of values during and after colonial era

Book is a milestone in African literature

Sold more than 8 million copies

Followed with a sequel No Longer at Ease

Published with Nigeria was under Colonial rule

Book based on family history

Grandfather was an important part of Igbo culture


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